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Soul -Doublies

Soul - Doublies are guardias of land and they are the most powerful Doublies. They have recpect and people worship them as Gods. We spotted only few of them so that means they are very rare to see. 

Soul female.png


Flat tail

soul male.png


Eye of truth
Shark tail

Physical Traits

Soul -Doublies have ruin-themed and textured body that is connected by glowing aura. Their aura can have any color, but their body is always dark color. Their hooves are same color as their aura that also applies to their eyes. Iris and lashes are always white due to glow and elegance.


Soul - Doublies are majestic creature that are worshiped by other Doublies. And they know about this position. They seem scary at first, but they are mostly very helpful. They love their own piece.

Fun facts

  • You can mostly meet them when is dark.

  • Even tho they are mean to be Gods, some of them can be evil.

  • Eye of Truth, that males have, is power that can tell them if person is saying truth or lie.

  • We also find out that the oldest Soul - Doublies have longer tail than young ones.

  • They eat magical fruit called "Spirit Berry" that can heal them and make their aura glow more.



Rarity: Epic
Areas: Any
Life: Alone
Diet: Fruit, Magical Fruit
Size: Giant

Possible lover: Any (except Poison, Bat)


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