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Dabbly is located in the North Luna Ocean in Equestria. Which means many creatures and species can visit them! Doublies prefer to stay in Dabbly, because they are scared of new places and some sub-species are used to live in a specific biome. They rarely go abroad.
Dabbly is an archipelago with 5 territories:
Cryn is the largest island of dabbly. It is famous for its crystals all over the island. You'll find everything from small clear crystals to giant glowing crystals. It's a quiet and peaceful island where you can hear the sound of water and animals talking. Cryn is often rainy and foggy. There are rare plants and creatures here.
Cale is literally a pink island. It's a very friendly island with no predators. That doesn't mean it's rich in creatures, just the opposite, there are only a few species. The tree species that rules here is the sakura and trees similar to this species. Since it is right next to cryn island there are a few types of crystals. Cale has sunny weather and it is rarely rainy or windy.
South Cale
South cale is the exact opposite of cale. It's a busy island, never quiet, always is something going on and full of predators. There are several active volcanoes. So no one's bored here.
South cale has daily thunderstorms and good weather is really rare to almost impossible. When it's not storming, it's cloudy.
Blundaris is the only cold island. It is calm with few exceptions like snow storms or strong winds. The creatures living on this island are adapted to this environment. There is also one of the cleanest and clearest rivers on dabbly. Blundaris is covered with new snow every day, reflecting the sun's shine. It is not rich in flora or fauna. Mainly fireflies are found here.
Sonna is the island with the most species of creatures. The whole island is literally green, you will find meadows with various flowers as well as jungles. Sonna has its own volcano, but it has been inactive for 100 years. Sonna is very connected to the oceania area, thanks to its livelihood and history in evolution. Sonna has all kinds of weather except snow.
Oceania is one of the most beautiful parts of the ocean that is connected to dobbly. This area is only about 40% discovered. There are many species of aquatic creatures and plants. The most famous of the creatures is the apelasus, the oldest species of killer whale on earth. A sub-species of doublies lives here, but others dive here as well.
The deeper you go, the deeper into the unknown.
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