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Symbols/Power present Doublie's special power!
Doublie can have one, but not every time! Maybe they weren't lucky enough.
!! Symbols don't have to look exactly the same, only theme has to be similar. Feel free to ask when you are not sure <3 !!
Doublie is faster, has sharper teeth and can decect if prey is ill or heathy. If "vegetarian" Doublie has this power it let them see if the vege is poisoned or clean. Also can be - "hunter eye", "Dead bite", "Loud step"....
Doublie can create potions, heal them selfs or others. They also know what to combine together.
Also can be - "Potion maker" "Healthy smile" "Healing leaf" ....
Water magic
When Doublie is near water they can use to defend their selfs or manipulate with it, or help to move water from place to another.
Alco can be - "Water Manupulation" "Water weapon" ....
Doublie can turn into any animal but his strenght stays. Doublies have specific trasnformations for example "Ocean-shapeshifter" can only turn into creatures that are in ocean.
Doublie can manipulate other emotions theirs or others. They are master of pretending!
Also can be - "Fake face" "Theather mask" "Mood swing"...
Doublie can set their self on fire or breath fire! They can also be fire rezistant.
Also can be - "Flaming fire" "Dragon breath" "Flaming spike"....
Dark magic
Dark magic is very risky, it's very poswerful but can also hurt Doublie with this power. For example - "Hallucination" can make enemy but also the Doublie hallucinating. Can also be - "Hypnosis" "Invisibility" "Muting"...
Doublie can teleport to any place, but on limited distance. Mostly teleportation makes light or sound.
Royal symbols
Some Doublies are lucky enough to get royal symbol. That means they have more than one power!
It is not common.
Don't limit your imagination!
I believe you have lot of great ideas that also can be symbols/marks!
So don't be scared to share your ideas, we can figure it out <3
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