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Ghost -Doublies

Ghost - Doublies are dead souls that got corrupted. They lost all of their memories so they suck out memories from others - very dangerous. We recommend to avoid them as much as possible!





Power of lost emotions

Power of blindness

Physical Traits

Ghost - Doublies do not have symbols, since they have their own power. Males have power of blindness so they can make anyone blind for several days. Females have power of lost emotions, where she can makes you feel like walking zobie without emotions. We recommend to avoid them even tho they attack very rarly you never know. When they use this power it makes them very weak, that's also why you can see them only for a moment. They are impossible to see in day light.


Not friendly. Dangerous. We weren't lucky enough to find more information.

Fun facts

  • They focuse on creatures with amazing memories, they taste better.

  • Maybe you can't see them, but you can hear them singing with soft voice.

  • Doublies belive in legend that say if you ever did something very bad in life you turn into one of these ghost-doublies.


Rarity: Epic
Areas: Any
Life: Alone
Diet: Memories
Size: Small

Possible lover: None


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