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Butterfly - Doublies are one of the small species. They are known for beautiful wings and their cute feelers. They are pretty common in wild and they are gonna be probably the first sub-specie you gonna see when visiting Dabbly.

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Butterfly theme
Slim feelers
Glowing antenna on back

Moth theme
Fluffy feelers
None antenna

Physical Traits

Butterfly - Doublies have big gender difference. By their look but also by their behavior. They have beautiful big wings that are separated into 2 parts. Fluffy chest is also one of their symbols of look. Females are more likely to use to live by the day and males by the night.


Females: Females are attention seekers and love to discover new things. They prefer flying in the day, so sunlight can go thought their wings. They may be very pretty at night thanks to glowing, but it's not very safe for them. Not only that, but they also see badly in dark.

Males: They don't get that much attention like females, which makes them calm, kind, and loving. They prefer flying at night to enjoy the silence. Furthermore, they aren't very strong, so they scare them with eyes on their wings.

Fun facts

  • They always have darker tail color than mane has.

  • Their feelers are very sensitive and brittle.

  • Females are more aggressive.

  • It's not so common to see them with long mane or tail.


Rarity: Common
Areas: Cale, Sonna
Life: In groups
Diet: vegetable, flowers
Size: Small

Possible lover: Any (except Poison, Bat)


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