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Alien -Doublies

Alien -Doublies are very intersting sub-specie and may seems a bit weird. Nobody knows how did they appear in Dabbly, it's a mysery. We found out that other Doublies prefer to not stay around them or even try to avoid them as much as possible. Their neck and tail are slimy and feels like lava-lamp.

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Long head antennas
Slim tail
Small antennas on body

Short head antennas
Huge tail
Small antennas on back leg

Physical Traits

Alien -Doublies have very crazy designs, which others find scary. Their lava-lamp neck and tail are moving like bubbles, but the texture is slimy and sticky. We found out that males have way more complex tail than females, Big antennas, that females have, make you feel small so they use it as a defend. Male's one are more as a decoration. They also have specific eyes - white outline and white pupil.

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They are trying their best to be friendly, but their appearance is making it very hard, because when you look into their eyes you can get hallucination.

Fun facts

  • Their tail is sticky but they never take dirt or is that possible?

  • They have special language that nobody understands.

  • Their flowy designs are a symbol of their personality - if it's flowy they are calm, if they are angry or mad design gets sharper.


Rarity: Rare
Areas: South Cale, Cryn, Cale
Life: Alone, in groups
Diet: Fish, Fruit
Size: Tall

Possible lover: Any (except Poison, Bat)



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